Jun 11, 2010

Welcome to flea season

Summer is on its way and so are the fleas! Some pet owners apply preventatives to their pets year-round. In our Seattle climate, I usually can get away with skipping the late fall through April, but am prepared for the potential need to apply an anti-flea remedy as early as May. This year it's been wet, cold, and soggy. We've had a few runs of warm weather, but luckily I have not noticed any signs of fleas hitching a ride on the dog or cat. But, alas, it's time to apply!

Flea collars and powders are a thing of the past. New topical solutions have taken over the flea product market. Some are even as broad as to kill ticks, mites, and various worms. Price varies dramatically. Some are prescription only, while others you can buy at pet stores or even on eBay. When choosing the right flea product it helps to have a little understanding of the flea's life cycle and your pet's play habits to know which is best.

Fleas have basically two purposes: eat and lay eggs. And they're smart about when to do so. A flea will lay dormant in a cocoon like formation until it senses a potential host is nearby.  This can be in the grass, blankets, or under furniture. It will pick up slight vibrations and carbon dioxide from a host, which in turn triggers is to emerge.  Adult fleas can be awakened falsely, in which case they usually die within a week or two.  Fleas can jump high into the air and land amongst the host's hair. If an animal isn't present, but instead we are, it will usually bite on the ankle just above the sock line. Although itchy and sometimes painful, fleas do not like to live on humans as we have a blood type that will not sustain them. They dislike light and heat. You may already have noticed that when you spread your cat's fur apart and see a flea, they quickly scurry into a new clump of fur to get away from the light you just introduced into their hiding place. As soon as the adult flea finds a tasty host, it begins to feed. Once satisfied it will begin to lay eggs - up to 50 per day! These eggs will hatch in a matter of days into a larvae state. Soon it will transform into a pupae - meaning it will form a cocoon to protect itself for a year if necessary. These cocoons are well designed. Insecticides have a difficult time penetrating them and they are resistant to heat and light.  Once mature, it begins it's life as an adult as mentioned above.

Some flea products only target adult fleas. Some will kill the pupae as well. Some are water resistant or waterproof. I have tried two products: Advantage and Revolution. Advantage seems to have a high success rate. I use it on both my cat and dog.  On one occasion I used Revolution on my dog because he was around children daily. It kills most common pet worms as well as fleas and ticks, making it a good preventative for small kiddos that would put things in their mouths that the dog may have been on. There is a very comprehensive flea product comparison here. Advantage and Frontline do not need a prescription nowadays. Advantage is said to kill fleas faster than Frontline, but it will wash-off in the bath or pool. I am about to apply Frontline Plus to both my cat and dog. I'll keep you posted on the results compared to the other two products I've used in the past.

If you are looking for a natural way to prevent fleas or kill existing ones, there are a few methods safe for your pets. Diatomaceous Earth, which is made up of the tiny shells of small sea creatures called diatoms, that basically dehydrate the flea. Dirt Works has a great descriptions of this product. It is safe for your pet, yard, and house. It's a very fine powder that can be dusted lightly into your pet's fur, spread around carpet and left for a few days, or squeezed into cracks in foundations. Not only will it kill fleas, but I have heard good results with ants and spiders, too. Be aware that this product is also sold for swimming pool filters. However the pool formula is harmful to pets as it has been chemically treated! Pyrethrins, derived from the chrysanthemum, will kill fleas fast, but may not be a long term preventative. It is an insecticide, but it is usually non-toxic to pets if used as directed. I've seen it mainly in powders.  A brief article about how they work and the products they are found in it here. Vacuuming frequently, keeping pet bedding washed often, and grooming your pet are good preventative measures that cost little and keep you and your pet healthy.

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